Standard Disclosure

Affiliation or Association 

We, at UPSC Monk, would like to inform our website visitors and the general public that we do not have any association or affiliation with the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) of India/भारतीय संघ लोक सेवा आयोग. We are an independent entity that provides online coaching and guidance for civil service aspirants.

We have noticed some confusion among candidates who have mistaken our name to be an abbreviation for the Union Public Service Commission. We would like to make it clear that we are not a part of the official UPSC, its departments or any of its officers. Also we do not have any involvement in the administration or conduct of the civil services examination or any other recruitment process conducted by the UPSC.

Therefore, we request all civil service aspirants to take note of this and not to confuse us with the official UPSC. For any official communication or information regarding the civil services examination, candidates are advised to visit the UPSC’s official website at

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